Tuesday, March 2, 2010

DPIAG Challenge Painting

10" x 10" oil on canvas
"Looked Like Love"

The Daily Painters International Art Gallery blog is hosting monthly art challenges open to all artists. Each month a subject is selected and all who wish to join in put their talents and creativity to work to come up with unique ideas to post and share with the world.

When presented with these items to paint, a Volkswagen Beetle, a metal "love" sign and some building blocks it was time to stretch a bit from my usual fare. The love sign became a sort of love gas pump to this beat up "love bug". As I worked on it though it began feeling desolate. I painted it over an abandoned painting so my background of golds and browns was already in place. Sand and a dust storm became a natural backdrop. As I came to the last hours of work it came to me that this was different than my original view. It became a symbol of what so many of us have at one time or the other lived. Something that looked like love but was just a void in the end.

It's fun to challenge myself to see what ideas come forth. Won't you join us!

Visit: DPIAG and click on the DPIAG Challenge at the top of the page for more information.

Contact me for information to purchase the above painting.

Thank you!


Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Mary,
Wow, I love the way you have challenged yourself out of your comfort zone and come up with this beauty.
Oh, your description is wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.

Art by Ronda Juniper Ray said...

I think you might have been posting less than me!! Are you moving?

No ducklings yet -- according to answers.com, mallard gestation is 28-30 days!! WHO KNEW?! So we've got another two weeks. In the meantime, she's laid two more eggs. WHO KNEW?! So now we have nine.

I was so bummed when I read that about gestation today, because I worry incessantly about the raccoons getting the eggs at night. Mama Mallard is well-camouflaged and sits very quietly, but I still can't help worrying like, well, like a mother hen....

Email me and tell me what you've been up to! On this end, just painting and choppin' china, trying to catch up with winter's orders, get some fresh stuff on the website, and get ready for a show in June (Michigan again).

Miss you, love you, hug you!

little sheep said...

such a cool painting!